Politics and News on November 3, 2020: Snapshot Archive
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Politics and News on November 3, 2020: Snapshot Archive
Politics and News on and around American Election Day, November 3, 2020.
This is a snapshot archive of politics and news concerning the United States 2020 election. This archive was put together on the afternoon (EST) of November 3, 2020 as a snapshot of this moment in time and our interpretations thereof.
Kenneth Morrissey, David Martinez, Christopher Perez, Varoon Phondge
November 3, 2020
Collection Items
What the Final Polls Say About Lindsey Graham vs Jaime Harrison in South Carolina as Votes Are Cast
Lindsey Graham vs Jaime Harrison in South Carolina 2020
NJ Marijuana Legalization Polls
A poll which tracks the support of marijuana legalization in New Jersey
Joe Biden statement he signed onto his house 11/3/2020
What Joe signed onto his house on 11/3/2020
What Trump, Biden and their running mates are up to on Election Day
A detailed description of what each candidate is doing on election day
National Guard Prepares for Possible Election Day Violence
An article in the National Review that is describing the National Guard's preparation for election night disputes around the country
Research Data on the Types of People Leaning Biden or Trump
Types of groups favoring either Biden or Trump