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  • Collection: Native Americans and New Mexico: The Impact of COVID-19 on Indigenous Life

A 2 hour long forum detailing the procedural and mechanistic process of COVID-19 as it traverses the Navajo Nation. The president Jonathan Nez head this meeting and adresses some important issues.

A Native Podcast setting the scene and beginning critical discussions on the impact of COVID-19 on Indigenous land. This is the first episode of a series of planned podcasts focusing on two large areas of tribal land including the Navajo Nation of…

Data for impact of COVID-19 on populace, specifically focusing on racial disparities and disproportionate Indigenous infection rates.

Dikos Ntsaaígíí dóódaa! Nation musters defense against COVID-19 - Navajo Times.pdf
An article detailing the preparation for the coronavirus predating the first case of the virus on the Navajo Nation. It talks about how the sovereign reservations have to go through loopholes against the federal government to do what they need to do.…

An in-depth statistical and critical analysis of the impact of COVID-19 on the disparate Native tribes in New Mexico and also a deep critique of existing mechanisms and structures that create discriminatory healthcare and bad policies.

KTNN Navajo Radio Station.png
An image of the KTNN news station, an exclusively indigenous owned news/radio station which is crucial for spreading coronavirus information and updates.

COVID-19 has spread to most New Mexico tribes - New Mexico In Depth.pdf
An analysis of the pathology and epidemiology of COVID-19 in the context of the tribal nations of New Mexico and an investigation of the disparate impacts.

Indigenous Native American Healing Traditions.pdf
A brief description of the power of tribal and natural remedies/medicine outside of the context of COVID-19 but a powerful reminder of the potency and often-forgotten nature of tribal resources. Additionally the paper ventures into the impact of…

Susceptibility of Southwestern American Indian Tribes to Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID‐19).pdf
A great article juxtaposing the pathology of Indigenous history against the pathology of COVID-19 today. This article does an interesting analysis locating the sociological and biological factors behind the specific susceptibility of COVID-19 by…

Ricardo Cate crated this amazing coloring book of COVID-19 cartoons for children and adults to spread awareness of COVID-19 throughout the culture. This is an attempt to inject humor into tough times as well as spread awareness of protocols like…
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