This is part of a five-part polling series which took place from July to August 2020. It was conducted by NPR, the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation, and Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health, and examines the most serious problems in four major…
A great article juxtaposing the pathology of Indigenous history against the pathology of COVID-19 today. This article does an interesting analysis locating the sociological and biological factors behind the specific susceptibility of COVID-19 by…
This article discusses the BLM Movement in Chicago. The director of the Chicago chapter, Amika Tendaji, talks about how the pandemic has hit black communities in Chicago hard, and mentions that these communities are in need of resources.
A photograph with the Empire State Building in the background, and the Vessel at Hudson Yards in the foreground, taken on March 11, 2020: the day that the WHO declared the Covid-19 crisis a pandemic.