Browse Items (239 total)

Donald Koger, a 36 year old Army Veteran reflects on his memory of the days surrounding the March 11, 2020 declaration by the World Health Organization of the COVID-19 Pandemic.

The perspective of a teacher during the first days of a declared pandemic (March 10-March 12).

The perspective of a nurse during the first days of a declared pandemic (March 10-March 12). 

Rutgers AAUP-AFT email June 30 2020 End of Barchi Presidency.pdf
Rutgers AAUP-AFT email on the last day of Robert Barchi's tenure at president of Rutgers University. The email outlines the Barchi administration's steps to deny faculty contract-negotiated raises, lay-off hundreds of workers, and refuse to agree to…

5 Professors Sue Rutgers, Saying It Shortchanges Women on Pay - The New York Times.pdf
New York Times newspaper article on how 5 female professors have followed in the footsteps of the late Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg in suing Rutgers University for equal pay for women. Rutgers is in severe breach of a contract provision by which the…

Rutgers University to lay off all writing adjunct professors in 2021.pdf
Newspaper article about the announcement that the Rutgers-New Brunswick writing program will lay off 100% of their adjunct professors in Spring 2021 term. Rutgers-NB later pulled back from this decision, under union pressure and perhaps due to…

October 27, 2020 Election Vibes 1.png
Google Jamboard, October 27, 2020, on thoughts and feelings about the upcoming US election, made by Rutgers-Newark undergraduate and graduate students and their professor in the Archiving COVID-19 course.
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